Вы слушаете сейчас одну из САМЫХ ЧУДОДЕЙСТВЕННЫХ книг во всем мире. В этой книге Вы найдете испытанный план, как стать богатым человеком.

Она расскажет Вам о том, как действовать, и – как действовать немедленно.
О том, что помогает человеку всю жизнь идти вперед, устраивать свое счастье и умножать богатство, тогда как другие не могут даже начать.

В самом деле, что дает одному силу и энергию, а других оставляет пассивными? Отчего одни способны разглядеть перспективу в клубке проблем и пробиться к тому, о чем они мечтали, не обращая внимания на жестокие удары судьбы, в то время как другие предпринимают отчаянные усилия, бесконечно ошибаются, но так ни к чему и не приходят?
— Состав аудиокниги:
14:20 Глава № 1 Мысль – это вещь!
47:57 Глава № 2 Желание
1:25:54 Глава № 3 Вера
2:12:53 Глава № 4 Самовнушение
2:26:18 Глава № 5 Специальные знания
3:02:33 Глава № 6 Воображение
3:30:58 Глава № 7 Планирование
5:01:01 Глава № 8 Решение
5:31:56 Глава № 9 Настойчивость
6:14:20 Глава № 10 «Мозговой центр»
6:29:11 Глава № 11 Тайна секса и сублимации
7:23:22 Глава № 12 Подсознание
7:38:12 Глава № 13 Интеллект
7:54:29 Глава № 14 Шестое чувство
8:13:36 Глава № 15 Шесть признаков страха
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Как выбрать профессию? | Ализа Шайх | TEDxYouth@AbaySt

Ализа Шайх делится рекомендациями с подростками и родителями, как можно планировать свою карьеру в школе Ализа Шайх занимается креативными решениями и консультирует по селфбрендингу This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How School Makes Kids Less Intelligent | Eddy Zhong | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet

Eddy Zhong, successful technology entrepreneur, dives into the truth behind our K-12 education system. Eddy strongly believes that the education system diminishes creativity and confines children to a certain path towards success. He contends that kids are taught to believe college is a necessary step in life and that it is mandatory to achieve ones goals. His talk challenges the commonly held beliefs of our entire education structure. Eddy is the founder of Leangap, a summer program that helps high school students start their own companies

Eddy is an aspiring technology entrepreneur and the founder of Blanc, a smart-watch company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His ideas have been featured in numerous publications and he is passionate about empowering youth to think differently. Eddy is the founder of Leangap, a summer program that helps high school students start their own companies

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx


ТАТЬЯНА ЧЕРНИГОВСКАЯ / доктор филологических наук, доктор биологических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАО, Заслуженный деятель Высшего образования и Заслуженный деятель науки РФ, заведующая лабораторией когнитивных исследований и кафедрой проблем конвергенции естественных и гуманитарных наук СПбГУ.

Цифровая эпоха — вызов для человечества. Как остаться людьми в этом быстро меняющемся, подвижном, стрессорном мире? Как и чему учить детей? Как выстраивать образование взрослых? Как проверять информацию и не стать объектом манипулирования? a Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of neuroscience, psycholinguistics and theory of mind, a Honored Worker of Science (2010). On her initiative in 2000 was first open training specialization «Psycholinguistics» (in General Linguistics Department of St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology), Member of the Council on Science and Education under President of the Russian Federation. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

The Pharmacist’s Mission to End the Opioid Epidemic | Daniel Schneider | TEDxDupreePark

Dan Schneider came face to face with unspeakable tragedy on April 14, 1999 when his 22 year old son was shot and killed while attempting to buy drugs in New Orleans. Dan speaks on his experience searching for his son’s killer, how it fueled his fight against the opioid epidemic, and how he found the light through the Tunnel of Hope.
«Im Dan Schneider. Im 70 years old and believe sharing my hard found wisdom will benefit others. I had great parents, great family 2 Older Brother and a younger sister We lived in an area that was called Gods Country. I was an all district Tackle on my high School football team.
I married my high school sweetheart, Annie, in 1971. She worked, I went to Pharmacy School and worked part-time. I became a Pharmacist in 1975 and she became a stay at home Mom. Our son Danny was born 9/27/76. Lil Danny was a blond haired blue eyed beautiful boy. He brought us much joy. Our daughter Kristi came along in 1980 and completed what many called the Griswald family. Station wagon, family trips, and a 17 ft. Christmas tree.
On 4/14/1999 our life changed. Our son was murdered while trying to buy drugs.

Our story was told in in the Netflix docuseries „“The Pharmacist»" .The story is not over, it is still being written. We are trying to build a nationwide movement to end the Opioid and Addiction Pandemic that has killed nearly a million since since my son died. I call our Mission "«The Tunnel of Hope»", as we hope to bring light to this dark National Tragedy." Im 70 years old and believe sharing my hard found wisdom will benefit others. I had great parents and great family. We lived in an area that was called Gods Country. I was an all district Tackle on my HS football team.
I married my high school sweetheart, Annie, in 1971. She worked, I went to Pharmacy School and worked part-time. I became a Pharmacist in 1975 and she became a stay at home Mom. Our son Danny was born 9/27/76. Lil Danny was a blond haired blue eyed beautiful boy. He brought us much joy. Our daughter Kristi came along in 1980 and completed what many called the Griswald family.
On 4/14/1999 our life changed. Our son was murdered while trying to buy drugs. Our story was told in in the Netflix docuseries «The Pharmacist». Now we are trying to build a nationwide movement to end the Opioid and Addiction Pandemic that has killed nearly a million since since my son died. I call our Mission «The Tunnel of Hope», as we hope to bring light to this dark National Tragedy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez | TEDxAustinWomen

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In a time when beauty is defined by supermodels, success is defined by wealth, and fame is deified by how many followers you have on social media, Lizzie Velasquez asks the question how do you define yourself? Once labeled, «The Worlds Ugliest Woman,» Lizzie decided to turn things around and create her own definitions of what she defines as beauty and happiness.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Просто скажи "да" | Гузель Санжапова | TEDxSadovoeRing

Пять лет назад Гузель Санжапова основала медовое производство в родной деревне своей бабушки — Малый Турыш, где на 50 жителей не было никакой работы, а сегодня продукты, созданные в этой деревне, продаются в крупных розничных сетях.

Проект Гузель — это показательный пример социального бизнеса, направленный на решение насущных задач в регионах.

Гузель Санжапова — социальный предприниматель и автор нескольких успешных проектов на базе краудфандинга. Мечтает о том, чтобы наши деревни развивались и становились комфортными для жизни.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx